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Maxence Le Corre - Portfolio


This page will showcase prototypes that I have created for various projects… or simply for fun.


Early stages prototype for a NGO mobile app.
I have used logic and conditions to reproduce the expected behaviour under certain input scenarios:

  • CTA or dropdown menu are dimmed out and disabled until a condition is met
  • input fields are showing a warning when an error is detected

Onboarding splash screen + slider

Prototype related to the onboarding of a mobile app that encourages and rewards plant-based diet:

  • Users can either swipe or use navigation buttons at the bottom (in case the pagination affordance wouldn’t work—for ‘less tech-savvy’ users)
  • The bottom pagination dots have a custom animation style
  • When swiping, there’s an overlap/parallax + fade-out effect

Live prototype available here.

Twitter subtle animations & transitions

I made this prototype to see whether I could reproduce the subtle transitions and animations of the Twitter native app. This was made for an iPhone 7. Live prototype available here.